Minggu, 28 Februari 2010
Senin, 22 Februari 2010
1. Rudolph Kjellen
Cohen (2003) notes that intellectuals such as Aristoteles, Montesquieu, Kant, Hegel and Humboldt already had an understanding of Geopolitics. Nonetheless, Geopolitics as a concept emerged much later (Dodds and Atkinson, 2000):
"Geopolitical thought emerged at the close of the nineteenth century as geographers and other thinkers sought to analyse, explain and understand the transformations and finite spaces of the fin de siècle world."
Kjellen (Swedish citizen, 1864-1922) was the first who coined the concept of Geopolitics in 1899 (Cohen, 2003), defining it as:
"the theory of the state as a geographical organism or phenomenon in space"
This definition contains two elements that are crucial within the concept of geopolitics: power (influence, politics) and space (territory, soil). The central role for the state as only powerful entity is very typical for the definition of Kjellen.
2. Karl Haushofer
Haushofer (1869-1946), whose ideas inspired the Nazi-regime, added political processes to the definition of Geopolitics (Cohen, 2003):
"Geopolitics is the new national science of the state, ... a doctrine on the spatial determinism of all political processes, based on the broad foundations of geography, especially of political geography."
Haushofer considered Political Geography as an essential part of Geopolitics.
3. Peter Taylor
In 1993, Taylor wrote that the revival of Geopolitics had taken shape in three ways:
"...geopolitics has become a popular term for describing global rivalries in world politics."
"...the second form...is an academic one, a new more critical geopolitics. Critical historiographical studies of past geopolitics have been a necessary component of this 'geographer's geopolitics'."
"...the third form...is associated with the neo-conservative, pro-military lobby which have added geopolitical arguments to their 'Cold War rhetoric'. Such studies talk of 'geopolitical imperatives' and treat geography as 'the permanent factor' that all strategic thinking must revolve around."
Taylor further stated that geopolitical analyses always had a national bias: "In the case of geopolitics, it has always been very easy to identify the nationality of an author from the content of his or her writings.". Taylor related Geopolitics to International Relations: "Geopolitics has generally been part of the realist tradition of International Relations."
4. Saul Bernard Cohen
Cohen used this definition in his 2003 book:
"Geopolitics is the analysis of the interaction between, on the one hand, geographical settings and perspectives and, on the other hand, political processes. (...) Both geographical settings and political processes are dynamic, and each influences and is influenced by the other. Geopolitics addresses the consequences of this interaction."
The definition focuses on the dynamic interaction between power and space.
5. Konsepsi Geopolitik
Geopolitik secara etimologi berasal dari kata geo (bahasa Yunani) yang berarti bumi yang menjadi wilayah hidup. Sedangkan politik dari kata polis yang berarti kesatuan masyarakat yang berdiri sendiri atau negara ; dan teia yang berarti urusan (politik) bermakna kepentingan umum warga negara suatu bangsa (Sunarso, 2006: 195). Sebagai acuan bersama, geopolitik dimaknai sebagai ilmu penyelenggaraan negara yang setiap kebijakannya dikaitkan dengan masalah-masalah geografi wilayah atau tempat tinggal suatu bangsa. Frederich Ratzel mengenalkan istilah ilmu bumi politik (political geography), Rudolf Kjellen menyebut geographical politic dan disingkat geopolitik.
SUMBER : http://exploringgeopolitics.org, apadefinisinya.blogspot.com
Cohen (2003) notes that intellectuals such as Aristoteles, Montesquieu, Kant, Hegel and Humboldt already had an understanding of Geopolitics. Nonetheless, Geopolitics as a concept emerged much later (Dodds and Atkinson, 2000):
"Geopolitical thought emerged at the close of the nineteenth century as geographers and other thinkers sought to analyse, explain and understand the transformations and finite spaces of the fin de siècle world."
Kjellen (Swedish citizen, 1864-1922) was the first who coined the concept of Geopolitics in 1899 (Cohen, 2003), defining it as:
"the theory of the state as a geographical organism or phenomenon in space"
This definition contains two elements that are crucial within the concept of geopolitics: power (influence, politics) and space (territory, soil). The central role for the state as only powerful entity is very typical for the definition of Kjellen.
2. Karl Haushofer
Haushofer (1869-1946), whose ideas inspired the Nazi-regime, added political processes to the definition of Geopolitics (Cohen, 2003):
"Geopolitics is the new national science of the state, ... a doctrine on the spatial determinism of all political processes, based on the broad foundations of geography, especially of political geography."
Haushofer considered Political Geography as an essential part of Geopolitics.
3. Peter Taylor
In 1993, Taylor wrote that the revival of Geopolitics had taken shape in three ways:
"...geopolitics has become a popular term for describing global rivalries in world politics."
"...the second form...is an academic one, a new more critical geopolitics. Critical historiographical studies of past geopolitics have been a necessary component of this 'geographer's geopolitics'."
"...the third form...is associated with the neo-conservative, pro-military lobby which have added geopolitical arguments to their 'Cold War rhetoric'. Such studies talk of 'geopolitical imperatives' and treat geography as 'the permanent factor' that all strategic thinking must revolve around."
Taylor further stated that geopolitical analyses always had a national bias: "In the case of geopolitics, it has always been very easy to identify the nationality of an author from the content of his or her writings.". Taylor related Geopolitics to International Relations: "Geopolitics has generally been part of the realist tradition of International Relations."
4. Saul Bernard Cohen
Cohen used this definition in his 2003 book:
"Geopolitics is the analysis of the interaction between, on the one hand, geographical settings and perspectives and, on the other hand, political processes. (...) Both geographical settings and political processes are dynamic, and each influences and is influenced by the other. Geopolitics addresses the consequences of this interaction."
The definition focuses on the dynamic interaction between power and space.
5. Konsepsi Geopolitik
Geopolitik secara etimologi berasal dari kata geo (bahasa Yunani) yang berarti bumi yang menjadi wilayah hidup. Sedangkan politik dari kata polis yang berarti kesatuan masyarakat yang berdiri sendiri atau negara ; dan teia yang berarti urusan (politik) bermakna kepentingan umum warga negara suatu bangsa (Sunarso, 2006: 195). Sebagai acuan bersama, geopolitik dimaknai sebagai ilmu penyelenggaraan negara yang setiap kebijakannya dikaitkan dengan masalah-masalah geografi wilayah atau tempat tinggal suatu bangsa. Frederich Ratzel mengenalkan istilah ilmu bumi politik (political geography), Rudolf Kjellen menyebut geographical politic dan disingkat geopolitik.
SUMBER : http://exploringgeopolitics.org, apadefinisinya.blogspot.com
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

KEBENARAN bukan sebuah konsep yang harus di definisikan karena KEBENARAN itu bersifat TETAP DAN TIDAK BERUBAH
Orang yang mengetahui KEBENARAN belum tentu berjalan dalam KEBENARAN Kita harus tahu SIAPA itu KEBENARAN ? dan setelah mengetahui SIAPA ITU KEBENARAN kita harus mengikuti KEBENARAN dan tinggal dalam KEBENARAN itu sehingga KEBENARAN itu yang akan MEMBENARKAN kita dan MEMERDEKAKAN, MELINDUNGI, DAN MEMBERKATI kita....!!!!


Senin, 15 Februari 2010
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